Updated on 11/02/2025
Version: 1.1
In compliance with the information duty set forth in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the website (hereinafter, the "Website") is owned by HAUSENSE DESIGN with registered office at Av Sancho El Sabio 11, 20010. San Sebastia, Guipuzcoa. Spain, and Tax ID No. ESY9993905M
- Phone: +34 643 03 65 49
- Email:
This legal notice regulates the terms and conditions of use for the aforementioned website.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
In general, the relationship between HAUSENSE and users of its online services, present on the website, is subject to Spanish law and jurisdiction.
Both parties expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may apply and submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid for the resolution of any disputes that may arise from the interpretation or execution of these terms and conditions.
User Acceptance
This Legal Notice governs access to and use of the website made available by HAUSENSE to Internet users. Any person who accesses, browses, uses, or participates in the services and activities of the website is considered a user.
The user is informed and accepts that accessing this website does not establish any commercial relationship with HAUSENSE.
By accessing and browsing the website, the user fully accepts these Terms of Use. If the user disagrees with these terms, they should refrain from using the website.
Website Access
Access to the website is free and open to users. Some services may require prior subscription or service agreement.
If personal data is required to access any service, the collection and processing of such data will be carried out in accordance with current regulations, specifically the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information, please consult our Privacy Policy.
Content and Use
Visiting the website must be done responsibly and in compliance with current legislation, good faith, this Legal Notice, and with respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by HAUSENSE or any other individuals or legal entities.
The use of any content from the website for unlawful purposes is strictly prohibited, as is carrying out any action that causes or may cause damage or unauthorized alterations to the website or its content.
The website owner does not necessarily identify with the opinions expressed by its collaborators. The company reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate to its website without prior notice, including changes, deletions, or additions to the content and services provided, as well as how they are presented or located on its servers.
It is strictly forbidden to use any content from the website for illegal purposes or to take any action that may cause damage or unauthorized alterations to the website or its content.
Intellectual and Industrial Property
The intellectual property rights for the content of this website, its graphic design, and source codes are owned by HAUSENSE. Therefore, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, or any other activity involving the content of the website—even when the sources are cited—is prohibited unless prior, express, and written consent has been obtained from HAUSENSE.
All trade names, trademarks, and distinctive signs appearing on the company’s web pages are the property of their respective owners and are protected by law.
HAUSENSE does not grant any license or authorization for the use of its intellectual or industrial property rights or any other related property or rights associated with the website. Under no circumstances shall user access and browsing be interpreted as a waiver, transfer, license, or assignment—either total or partial—of these rights by HAUSENSE.
Any unauthorized use of the content by the user without prior approval from HAUSENSE will be considered a serious infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights and may result in legally established liabilities.
HAUSENSE reserves the right to take legal and extrajudicial action against users who violate these rights.
Responsibility and Warranties
HAUSENSE declares that it has adopted the necessary measures, within its capabilities and the current state of technology, to ensure the proper functioning of its website, as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, HAUSENSE cannot be held responsible for the following situations, listed by way of example but not limited to:
- The continuity and availability of the content.
- The absence of errors in the content or the correction of any defects that may occur.
- The absence of viruses or other harmful components.
- Damages or harm caused by third parties who breach HAUSENSE’s security systems.
- The use that users make of the content included on the website. Consequently, HAUSENSE does not guarantee that the use of the content by users will conform to this legal notice, nor that the use of the website will be carried out diligently.
- Use by minors of the website or the submission of their personal data without the permission of their guardians, who are responsible for monitoring the use of the Internet by minors.
- Access to unauthorized content through links introduced by users via comments or similar tools.
- The introduction of incorrect or false data by the user or a third party.
HAUSENSE may temporarily suspend access to the website without prior notice for maintenance, repair, updates, or improvements. However, whenever circumstances allow, HAUSENSE will inform users in advance about the planned suspension of content.
Additionally, in accordance with Articles 11 and 16 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), HAUSENSE is committed to removing or blocking any content that may violate current legislation, third-party rights, or public morals and order.
HAUSENSE uses cookies to optimize and personalize your browsing experience on the website. Cookies are small information files stored on the user’s device. The information collected through cookies helps facilitate user navigation on the site and enhance the browsing experience. The data collected may be shared with the cookie creators, but it will never be associated with personal information or data that could identify the user.
However, if users prefer not to have cookies installed on their device, they can configure their browser to block the installation of these files. For more information, please refer to our Cookies Policy at
The presence of links on the HAUSENSE website to other Internet sites is for informational purposes only and should never be interpreted as a suggestion, invitation, or recommendation regarding those sites. HAUSENSE assumes no responsibility for the content of external links nor guarantees their reliability, accuracy, completeness, truthfulness, validity, or technical availability.
If other websites establish links to the HAUSENSE website, it will not be understood that HAUSENSE has authorized the link or the content of the linking site. Additionally, such sites may not include inappropriate, defamatory, illegal, obscene, or unlawful content or any other content that violates current legislation.
HAUSENSE reserves the right to contact the owner of the website containing the link if it considers that the regulations are being violated, and to take appropriate legal and extrajudicial actions.
Modification of Terms
HAUSENSE expressly reserves the right to unilaterally modify, in whole or in part, this Legal Notice without prior notice. The user acknowledges and accepts that it is their responsibility to periodically review this Legal Notice.

All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER: At Hausense, we believe in persistence, discipline, and excellence as the foundation for building a sustainable business. Please do not join our programs unless you are fully committed to giving your best, staying consistent, and trusting the process.
Always consult your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor before acting on any information related to your business. You are solely responsible for your decisions, actions, and results in both your personal and professional life. By registering here, you agree not to hold us responsible for your decisions, actions, or outcomes at any time or under any circumstance.